Independent Verification That Your Payroll Transactions Are Compliant And Correct

Forensic payroll and Auditing done the PayePass way

It’s not just a clever technology, it’s the foundation on which to build your business

All Payroll Transactions Examined

Independent Verification

Tax Compliance Guaranteed

Supply Chain

PayePass Verify Award

Independent auditing to verify payroll compliance & accuracy

An independent analytical financial audit of PAYE payroll, achieved by combining bespoke payroll auditing software & traditional “eyes-on” accountancy auditing techniques, undertaken by regulated professionals.

PayePass can guarantee that no business that achieves a Verify Award will be involved in:

A Verify Audit will scrutinise the full financial journey of funds. Starting from receipt by the business, through all processes and calculations, to the final payment stages. We ensure that all intended beneficiaries have been paid, with the correct deductions made and paid to HMRC.

We want a world where the contracting sector is free from the perils of tax avoidance and evasion schemes, mini-umbrella companies, skimming and holiday pay misconduct. That’s why we scrutinise everything.

PayePass Fortify Accreditation

The evolution to ensuring complete compliance

Having announced the Fortify Umbrella accreditation assessment, PayePass continues the development of a comprehensive suite of Fortify accreditations that will set the standard & give ultimate assurance for all Service Provider activities, including:

We’re not just using the legal minimum requirements because we all know that what is legal is not necessarily ethical – such as skimming or withholding holiday pay. Instead, we will be setting PayePass standards which we believe will become the accepted minimum acceptable practices for reputable Service Providers.

Neil Carberry

Chief Executive of Recruitment Employment Federation says...

We take our responsibility as the recruitment industry’s single destination for advice, guidance and support seriously. PayePass is a REC Business Partner that audits umbrella companies to guarantee that no tax avoidance, evasion, unlawful deductions or other misconduct is present. PayePass forensically scrutinises umbrellas finances and is insurance-backed to give you added protection and peace of mind.

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